What to Expect at Your First Appointment

Here’s what an appointment at Fremont Audiology and Hearing Clinic encompasses. 

Collecting information (case history)

Like with any other healthcare professional, our hearing experts will need to learn more about your hearing health history as well as your medical history. We will ask basic questions about noise exposure, tinnitus, environments you spend time in during the day, medications you take, etc.  This information is used to create a full picture of your health.  

Video Otoscopy

Our next step is to look in your ears with an otoscope.  Using state-of-the-art technology we can see the inside of your canal and your eardrum in full color. You will also be able to see this for yourself.  We may find that your hearing loss is caused by a buildup of cerumen, which is ear wax. 

Comprehensive Hearing Evaluation

The Audiometry test will measure the tones you are hearing and what you are missing. Our hearing professionals will also test how you hear speech in noise.

Review your results

The results of your hearing test will be charted and displayed on an audiogram. Dr. Hecht or our hearing instrument specialist will go over the findings with you and recommend any kind of treatment if necessary. 

Treatment recommendations

The most common form of treatment for hearing loss is hearing aids. Hearing aid technology is available in a wide variety of technology levels and prices. We will make the recommendation for the best fit for you based on your budget and needs.


Once you have chosen the right device for you. We may require taking an impression of your ear, depending on the style of hearing instrument you have selected. A custom product or custom earmold will require an impression of your ear in order to make the fit custom to your ear. When this is complete, we will schedule your next appointment to be fit with the hearing instruments you selected.


We encourage you to bring a friend or a family member with you to your appointment. Not only will this provide you with moral support, but your friend or family member can let us know of challenges they have noticed with your hearing, they can take notes or ask questions that you may not have thought of asking. 

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